Geof Franks

Chartered Accountant




Current training clients



Previously Director Professional Development at NZICA

Past member of the New Zealand Universities Academic Audit Panel

Established and managed a new polytechnic business studies department

Five separate secondments to the Ministry of Education to develop accounting, computing and economics teaching materials for use in New Zealand secondary schools

Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand:

-  facilitator and examination marker

-  examiner of Ethics for New Zealand Accounting Technicians

Massey University Executive MBA

Foodstuffs South Island Limited

Canterbury Employers' Chamber of Commerce

Otago Southland Employers' Association

Several regional economic development agencies

Chartered Accountant

Bachelor of Commerce

Diploma in Teaching

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Past training history

New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants (NZICA):

-  facilitator and examination marker

-  author of training materials for strategy, ethics and ecommerce

-  author of MikesBikes computer simulation  material

-  convenor of the Professional Competence Examination panel

Customised accounting training for lawyers

Accounting training for the Motor Trade Association

Presenter of over 500 seminars New Zealand-wide for small business operators under contract to regional Economic Development Agencies


Chartered Accountant based in Christchurch, New Zealand

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